When you're getting ready to sell your home, it's easy to overlook small problems. You know there's a lightbulb burnt out in the entryway, but that won't stop someone from buying, right?

Honestly, probably not. But it's surprising how quickly those little details, those simple fixes, can pile up. And, that pile-up can cause extra friction in the buying process, which, as a seller, you want to minimize.

That all-important first impression

Put yourself in the shoes of a home buyer. You roll up to what could be your new home – which is the right size and has the right number of bedrooms  – but the lawn is overgrown and the paint on the front door is dull and pealing.

Already, you probably want to move on to see the next home on the list of…

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Let’s start by getting this out of the way: yes, we do make money from people buying their homes, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to tell you to buy every single time.

Let's start by getting this out of the way: yes, we do make money from people buying homes, but that doesn't mean we're going to tell you to buy every, single time.

In fact, despite the oft-repeated line 'renting is just throwing your money away', buying isn't suited for every family or lifestyle.

So, with that taken care of, let's walk through the reasons you might decide to keep on renting, or start to look for a home of your own.

What does your timeline look like for buying a home

Buying is always about the long game.

Though the housing market consistently trends…

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